Early Stages (0-5) Resources
DSAWM Early Stages programs and services support families from diagnosis through the early developmental years. Areas of focus include parent support, communication and motor skill development, and socialization. Resources relevant to this stage of development include supports coordination, therapies, medical support, and financial assistance.
DSAWM Programs and Services for Early Stages
Community Supports
Resources listed are not necessarily endorsed by DSAWM, but are a list of options that are available. If you know of additional West Michigan resources, please let us know at info@dsawm.org.
Supports Coordination
Providers listed below have indicated that they serve pediatric patients under 18 years of age.
Still looking for resources or recommendations? We encourage you to visit the Michigan Parents of Children with Down Syndrome Facebook Group, an online community of over 1,700 parents and caregivers across the state who have children with Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The group is a great resource for those looking for recommendations for and experiences with providers across the state.