Chloe Bayer
My name is Chloe Bayer and I work as a Benefits and Information and Referral Specialist at Disability Advocates of Kent County and have worked for various other nonprofit organizations that serve people with disabilities in the Kent County area for the last 20 years. I am married and have three boys ages 11, 14, and 16 . I became involved in DSAWM because my brother Phil, who also lives with me, has Down syndrome and I believe that organizations like DSAWM are crucial to assuring that people with Down syndrome and their families in our community are represented, supported, and provided with opportunities to be their best selves. During my time on the Board, I would like to share both my professional and personal experiences and expertise to be a source of information and assistance to this organization and the families we serve.
Niurka Diaz
My Name is Niurka Diaz. I live in Kentwood with my husband Alberto and my 3 children Allyson (15), Anna (13), and Ethan (12). Anna has Down syndrome and she is the reason we found the amazing people at the DSAWM. When Anna was born we did not know of her diagnosis and we felt a little lost. Thankfully, God sent us an angel in the form of a sweet volunteer at Spectrum Health who brought us a new parent packet from the DSAWM and her grandson was the boy pictured in the front of the packet! She sat with us and listened to a million questions with a smile on her face and that was it for us. This community we found has seen us through highs and lows and we have met the most amazing people along the way. We have been participating in the Association for the past 13 years and I feel honored to be able to serve on the Board and give back in a small way for all we have been given.
I look forward to helping other families and bringing a different perspective as a member of the Hispanic community. I want to reach out to families who do not know of the resources that we have available to them and support them like the volunteer who supported my family.