2017 was a year of change for the Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan. In late Spring, DSAWM experienced a complete staff turnover. As those with whom many of you were familiar departed for other exciting opportunities, new candidates were carefully sought who would bring passion and commitment to their roles. During this search, members were asked to have patience while program scheduling changed and outreach was limited. Your understanding was greatly appreciated and allowed us to build a new staff of qualified and eager individuals. In July, Jennifer Richards DeVault became the first new DSAWM face as the organization’s Executive Director. Nate Clark joined a few months later as the new Program Director and Victoria Hart followed shortly after in the role of Administrative Assistant (and DSA Press Editor…Hello!). The three of us have learned a lot about DSAWM and the West Michigan Down syndrome community in the short time that we have been here and we are learning more everyday thanks to all of you, our fantastic members, donors, and advocates. We are truly honored to serve such a passionate and giving community. Thank you for continuing to support our mission of promoting public awareness and supporting lifelong opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. Together, we will make 2018 our best year yet!