by Kate Cole
In just a few short days, my life was changed by COVID-19. Many of my routine activities were stopped and shut down. It felt like my life went upside down.
When COVID-19 started in March 2020, I moved from my apartment back into my parents’ house. We made this decision to keep me safe and so I wouldn’t be alone. I felt scared and worried at the same time. I was worried about my friends and relatives because I love them. I didn’t know when I would be able to see them again.
I didn’t work for a few months. There wasn’t any Special Olympics. My college went to Zoom classes. I couldn’t go to my volunteer sites. The rules for riding Harbor Transit changed too. I couldn’t go to church in-person. I missed my church family. My friends at Gracious Grounds all had to stay in their own apartments.
We all tried to make the best of the shutdown. I did lots of crafts. I made a blanket, colored pictures to give to friends and family, did my stamping, melted beads, and painted. We played lots of games like dominoes, Sequence, and Kings in the Corner. I read books and watched movies. We went for lots of walks at the beach and on trails at the parks. It was good to get fresh air! Of course, I did a lot of writing too! I learned how to make a homemade frosty and lots of delicious desserts. I learned how to make chocolate chip cookies! I even made dinner for my parents. People found ways to keep occupied in our own homes. We all had to make good choices.
When I was able to get my vaccine, I was nervous, but I tried to stay calm. I am glad that my vaccines are done. The pandemic has changed some things. It has been hard, but look at the good things! We can see our friends again. We can go on vacations. Special Olympics is starting again. My church is back in-person on Sunday mornings. It’s easier to ride Harbor Transit to work and back to my apartment. I’m looking forward to going back to college at Noorthoek Academy in-person.
Let’s end COVID-19 for good. Everyone wants their lives back to normal again. Won’t that be a great day?