DSAWM has incredibly creative members and that is why we are calling on you to create designs to be featured on new DSAWM notecards!
Contest Guidelines
We want these cards to celebrate the creativity, imagination, and abilities of our members. Drawings must therefore be created by DSAWM members (all ages welcomed!) and should be colorful and cheerful. You can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, stamps, glitter…anything you want!
Once submitted, designs will be uploaded to an online poll. Members, family, friends, and the community will then have an opportunity to vote for their favorite designs.
On World Down Syndrome Day, 3/21, the top 3 (or 5, depending on the number of submissions) designs will be announced as our winners. These designs will be featured on the cards along with a short bio about the artist. Additionally, winning artists will each receive a $25 gift card!
Designs may be emailed or mailed to the DSAWM office.
Email: victoria@dsawm.org
If emailing, please send as high-resolution a photo or scan as possible.
Mail: DSAWM, 233 Fulton St. E, Ste. 124, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Contest Timeline
Friday, March 8*
Card submission deadline.
*If mailing a design, please post so delivered by this date.
Wednesday, March 13 – 12pm
Voting opens.
A link will be emailed to all members and posted on Facebook and the DSAWM website.
Wednesday, March 20 – 12pm
Voting closes.
Thursday, March 21
Winners announced.
If you have any questions, please contact Victoria at victoria@dsawm.org.
We Can’t Wait To See What You Come Up With!
DSAWM will use these notecards as thank you notes and greeting cards for volunteers, donors, and others. Artists understand that if selected, their design will be publicly distributed.